This post was edited by ATP:RedRice at 11:32, Nov-06-2014

Redmi 1: How to know partitions system.

See this informations as a block memory! :D

Use adb command:
  1. adb shell cat /proc/dumchar_info
Copy the Code
Into file:

Note: Addr and size values are in notation hexadecimal

Sames informations with decimals values:

Note: An inode is a block value == 4096!


It's possible to backup directly partition by /dev/part_name as:
  1. # if you are into system android: need to be rooted
  2. adb shell su -c dd if=/dev/part_name of=/sdcard/part_name.img bs=dec_value count=1
  3. # if you are into recovery
  4. adb shell dd if=/dev/part_name of=/sdcard/part_name.img bs=dec_value count=1
Copy the Code
To flash, is same command:
  1. adb shell if=/sdcard/part_name.bin of=/dev/part_name bs=dec_value count=1
Copy the Code
As you see, when you save, you can choose .img or .bin, it's really egual! Your backup is an hex file ;-)

